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Backbencher David Lammy was the most senior Labour figure to address the crowds, which organisers have said numbered at least 100,000 , athough several pro-EU Labour MPs, including Chris Leslie, Stella Creasey and Stephen Doughty took part in the march. Among the blue flags: Views from the pro-EU march Ms Long-Bailey, the shadow business secretary, who was at a constituency event on Saturday, said: "I understand why people wanted to march yesterday - it is a highly emotive issue." But, she told BBC Radio 5's Pienaar's Politics, a second referendum was not Labour policy and she had "significant concerns" about the idea. She said the government would "hold the pen about what is contained within the referendum" and would, she claimed, be unlikely to offer staying in the EU as an option on the ballot paper. She said another referendum "has the potential to divide the country yet again at a time when we should be bringing people together" and the priority now should be to get a Brexit deal that "suits our economy, protects jobs and puts a floor under existing rights and protections". She denied the Labour leadership was out of step with party members, most of whom, according to a recent poll , are in favour of a second referendum. "I wouldn't accept that," she told John Pienaar. Media playback is unsupported on your device Media captionThousands of people joined the march to Parliament Labour's shadow defence secretary Nia Griffith said: "Of course people in a democratic country can do what they like and have marches and that's good and they should express their opinions." But she said Labour had accepted the result of the June 2016 EU referendum and was now working for "a Brexit that works the best way possible for the economy and for jobs". A People's Voice spokesman said they needed to get the Labour leadership on board to make a new referendum a "realistic proposition" ธุรกิจขายตรง and the party should "reflect the wishes of its own membership" on the issue. Actor and Labour activist Sir Tony Robinson, a leading supporter of the People's Voice campaign who spoke at Saturday's rally in central London, accused Jeremy Corbyn of ignoring the views of the party's members and trying to shut down debate on a second referendum. "He knows what he's doing and actually, objectively, what he is doing is supporting Theresa May in trying to shuffle through this awfully badly negotiated Brexit that we may be heading towards," he told Pienaar's Politics.
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It changes the mindset and motivates the team to push themselves harder every day,” says Dave Stapleton, sales director at Ambie, a London-based software company providing music solutions to the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors. Mr Stapleton rolled the scheme out after joining Ambie earlier this year, having been intrigued by the story of Stephan Aarstol, an American entrepreneur who reduced the standard workday for employees of his paddle boarding company to just five hours and saw a massive boost in productivity. If staff have better lives outside work, it follows they will be more productive in work Mr Aarstol’s book, The Five-Hour Workday: Live Differently, Unlock Productivity and Find Happiness, inspired Mr Stapleton, who had previously worked as a trader in the financial services industry, to try using time rather than money to boost the productivity of his sales team. Ambie founder and chief executive Gideon Chain has been impressed with the concept, and believes it should help to attract and retain a higher quality of sales staff. Founded in 2015, Ambie employs 19 staff, and counts fashion brand Karen Millen and restaurant chain Nobu among its clients. “It’s really important to us as a business that staff are given the time to develop their own outside interests, whether that’s family, hobbies or sports. If staff have better lives outside work, it follows they will be more productive in work,” says Mr Chain. Employers need to shift importance from presence to productivity While some larger companies with much bigger teams than Ambie have embraced flexible working, not many have embedded it into compensation packages in this way. To some extent this may be due to an ingrained management mindset that shies away from formalising time out of the office beyond standard holidays. There is often still a natural tendency to focus on the physical presence of staff in the office rather than on their productivity. “We need to get managers into the mindset that being flexible is key to maintaining and engaging staff. There is no cost to flexibility; it just needs to be managed properly and can have a direct impact on increasing profitability, rather than reducing revenue as is sometimes assumed,” says Dean Hunter, founder of human resources consultancy Hunter Adams. It is a big transition, however. Many large companies have historically only had to manage a single model of working. Introducing flexible working and time-back incentives requires a cultural shift. But if the anecdotal evidence of Ambie and Mr Aarstol is to be believed, there could be significant productivity gains to be made. “The shift to flexible working is still in its infancy, yet early data and anecdotal evidence suggests that when flex is adopted properly, it empowers professionals and performance rockets.
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